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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tips For Staying Healthy During Your Next Epic Gaming Marathon!

You already knew that OD'ing on video games could lead to Nintendo Thumb, but did you know that it could also have fatal results? Recently, a young British gamer died of complications from deep vein thrombosis, which stemmed from 12-hour long sessions on his Xbox.

Though playing your Xbox isn't lethal in and of itself, sitting for long periods of time can be dangerous for your heart, muscles, and waistline. Next time you're taking part in an epic Halo battle or putting in overtime at your desk, be sure to take these healthy tips into consideration to prevent geek-related health problems.

  1. Take breaks more often — Whether you're coding, blogging, or gaming, you should make a habit of taking breaks often. Even better, stand up during your gameplay sessions, which not only keeps your muscles active, but it can burn more calories than just sitting alone, and prevent . . . other, more embarrassing conditions.
  2. Enforce a time limit — Decide how long you'll play before you log in, and stick to your time limit. You can always come back to pick up where you left off previously. Once your time is up, go take a walk, meet some friends at the arcade, or take your dog outside for some quality park playtime.
  3. Stretch — Every 15 minutes or so, get up and stretch your muscles. This will not only help to prevent cramps, but it will get your blood moving and stave off clots.

See the rest of our healthy gaming tips after the jump.

  1. Skip the junk food — Don't nosh on chips and candy while you're busy competing missions. If you must snack, choose a healthy alternative like fruit. You're already sitting instead of exercising, why do more damage by eating bad food on top of it?!
  2. Drink water — Skip the soda and down some water in between levels. Not only will this hydrate your body, but it's likely you'll have to take more bathroom breaks (which helps to accomplish tip number one!).
  3. Exercise — You could always pop in a game like DDR or Your Shape: Fitness Evolved instead of Halo, but taking a walk around your 'hood or riding a bike to work instead of driving is a good way to kick off healthy workout habits. Or, you could always just switch things up by playing Rock Band or Kinect Adventures for a bit before diving back into your co-op marathon.

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